Mel brings fabulous energy into her classes and we are excited to have her as part of our team. We advise booking early to secure your spot, as Mel’s Pilates classes are very popular.. It’s a great way to start your day and a very popular class.
Time: Tuesday 7.30am Wednesday 7:30 am & 8.30 am Thursday 7.30 am Friday 7.45 am
Date: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Teacher: Mel
Cost: $190 per term upfront (seniors concession $160 per term upfront)
Casual (if available) $25
Monday 29 January – Sunday 7 April
Monday 22 April – Sunday 30 June
Monday 15 July – Sunday 22 September
Monday 7 October – Sunday 15 December
If a class happens to fall on a public holiday, that class will be made up at the end of the term.